The nightingale

The Nightingale by Kristan Hannah is a wonderful book based on war. It is a story of two strong sisters who fight in their method. The novel begins with a regular introduction to the life of the sisters Vianne and Isabella. Isabella the youngest is a rebellious girl and people believe that she will cause trouble shortly. The Nazis started slowly taking over France but the changes were so sudden to cope up. Despite everything we find families holding onto hope of meeting their loved ones and that hope led to a lot of people fighting for their loved ones. The uncertainties of life and the fear of the unknown were still present in the hearts of the people. 

The title of the novel itself signifies the sisters who are Rossignol which means Nightingale in English. The name nightingale is also a code word of Isabella to signify her. Jews were the targets of abuse. Women and children were deported just because they were not born in France. The French soldiers were the ones who initiated the move. 

I would like to talk about the relationship between family members and loved ones, the and sacrifices they make for each other. Vianna as a mother always tried to keep her daughter safe both physically as well as emotionally, but with time she grew even for her age. She learns about restrictions, loss of freedom as well and death. As days pass we find mothers being separated from children and sent to camps. The loss of home being displaced in an unknown place and looking forward to freedom. 

In the end lot of people died and vanished, and lots of people remained missing and lots of orphaned children. Isabelle came home but she was no longer the same girl but a lost and broken woman almost dying. She waited and waited for her lover who promised to return. The day her lover returns she dies in his arms with her family surrounding her. 

This novel taught me the value of life and the people surrounding us. There is a few quotes that struck me. 

"Some stories don't have happy endings. Even love stories. Maybe especially love stories."


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