Community outreach

A day kept aside for the community outreach went amazing as we all had a new experience. The practice sessions as preparation for the outreach. As most of us lived far away one of us would always be absent but still in a day or two of practice our play was ready under the title "Swachta Abhiyaan".

The most interesting and fun part was the art and crafts work that included chart making. After a long time it felt good to be back to colourful papers, colours, glue and so on. 

On the final day we had one more person joining and we managed to include everyone for the play. We went a school along with our teachers and our destination was in a different route where I have never travelled leading me to explore a different place altogether. 

As we reached the gates of the school the students were so excited by our arrival.  The students were very enthusiastic as they greeted us "good morning". It reminded me of days at my school when all of us would be curious to know who the new faces are so we all would peak through the window.
As play was being performed the students were engrossed and also actively interacted with the performers which made us happy as they were able to grasp it and answer rightly. 

As the day came to an end, the moments recalled were wonderful as I got to meet new people and interacted with them, but moreover after the performance we departed after having a samosa and juice. 


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