One Sunny afternoon

As I walked along the road in the sunny afternoon I was reminded of a Shakespearean sonnet titled as "On a sunny afternoon". It was a totally different notion as what I experience while trapped under the sun on some afternoons.

While I walk in sunny afternoons the only thing that strikes me would be the scorching heat. No romantic segment appears during that moment. My only desire would be to find shade to hide from the sun or to rush inside my home and sit under the fan to relieve myself from the heat.

Walking under the sun makes me melt like an ice cream under extreme heat. Initially it would be bearable but after a short while it's like sun suncking all the energy just like once portrayed in an advertisement that I saw in my childhood. The advertisement seemed ridiculous but true at the same time.

It's amazing how a writer makes this terrible bright day into a romantic one to describe his lover. As I read the sonnet I felt the beauty of nature along with the girl so I rushed outside and was disappointed with the prickling heat that pierced through the skin.

It's all about how the girl is visualised by the poet and how he believes her beauty will never change. It's but contradictory as beauty changes. If it's about physical beauty as they change as they age and the person will have a beautiful change depicting their years of journey. And when it comes to internal beauty it changes as the person gains wisdom through life's experiences.

Even though it's burning outside it looks beautiful indoors with the ray of light falling on the building and providing a sparkle to the tiny plants growing in my balcony. 


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