Animal Farm Day

Today being an Animal Farm day was arranged very beautifully by the juniors who are in their first year. The performance of every individual was awesome and some performances brought goosebumps on the skin making us emotional in various segments. The entire play was divided into ten groups and each group with each chapter to be performed. Every team managed to keep the audience on their toes to what would happen next. 

" Animal Farm" by George Orwell is a political satire that helps you think and retrospect, finding different types of people in society. This farm is a representation of reality rather than a superficial imagination.

Watching the performances brought me back to my first year of college when we once performed the play. The excitement and nervousness of the very first performance made us want to perform our best. The weeks of staying back in college, preparing scripts and finally doing practises were the beautiful days of mingling and knowing each other more.

On the auspicious day, the classroom was transformed into a farm with twigs, branches and leaves.  It wasn't a classroom anymore but rather it was "Mr Jones's farm". We even painted our faces according to the characters which was a small representation without needing much detail. The waiting in the corridor for your time to come and finally trying your best not just for your team but also for yourself. 

Today brought back a lot of memories and it was an engaging day where you excavate your talents and overcome fears confidently standing to represent your team. I hope this tradition of "Animal Farm Day" continues in the upcoming years. 


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