"What it means when a man falls from the sky" by Lesley Nneka Arimah

This short narrative opens with the mathematician Furcal and his newly found formula. A man falling from an aircraft caused a lot of criticism, therefore his granddaughter is defending his profession as the man falling is blamed upon the scientist for his finding a formula to plane. 

In this short narrative, the use of mathematics serves as a means of elucidating the feelings of the characters and relieving their suffering. A mathematician with expertise in measuring and treating pain is the main character. It functions similarly to a medical counsellor, here they calculate and eliminate grief using mathematics.

This is an intriguing short story that uses a unique technique to quantify emotions in the mind. We also witness the various relationships she discusses and how important a role they have had in moulding her.

When mathematicians suffer other people's loss, they begin to lose their minds, nearly to the point of talking to themselves and hallucinating. This is demonstrated concerning Nneoma's friend Kioni, who works in the same field. Naomi recognises that she could find herself in a similar circumstance at any moment. 

Through Nneoma's life, the significance of family is demonstrated in this short story. Until her mother passed away, Neoma had a joyful childhood; nonetheless, she also loses her father emotionally as a result of his overwhelming sadness. They couldn't close the large gap between them until the end of the short story but she often remembered and visited him. 

The power of memory is also demonstrated by a young child who doesn't have a name so we can see her as a voice of the refugees. "The girl" was left an orphan and a refugee in a foreign country after losing both her parents and brother. Even Neoma feels as though she is suffocating with the memory and pain the little girl bears.

This short story introduces us to several viewpoints on suffering and the potential that lies ahead. 


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