Insomanic monster

Sleep is a phenomenon that all of us do effortlessly but there are a lot of people who can not sleep due to a lot of physical as well as psychological problems. Some are caused by traumas which are replayed in the form of nightmares and some may be due to stress and other work pressures. We have a lot of people among ourselves who are unable to sleep at night we tend to call them "night owls" but it's a natural choice. They tend to rest during the day and work during the night. 

Have we ever thought about what would happen if we did not sleep for a few days? A lot of people tend to work continuously for a long period but without any rest. If a baby does not sleep during their scheduled time they get cranky and cry till they are put to nap. This even happens to adults as they tend to become very sensitive. Recently I came across a sleep experiment that was conducted during World War and it made me think that can humans turn unrecognisable if not for proper rest. Experiments are usually conducted on animals but here they are conducted on humans. At the end of the experiment, they looked unrecognizable and almost lost their mind making them violent which led to them killing each other. Now people started to copy this without any external influence which is shocking.

Thinking back doctors always suggest that a person should have at least six to eight hours of rest but in this present fast-moving world we tend to sleep fewer hours. People are working all day without any rest and at night they stay awake till late watching their gadgets which has become a habit. Once the routine becomes a habit it is very difficult to change which disrupts the sleep patterns.

Sleep is a neglected and avoided topic as it's not considered important anymore but happens to be one good treatment for a lot of physical and mental problems. When a person follows a routine and has a proper rest their entire day happens to be energetic rather than a lethargic and lazy day.  Some patterns need to be revisited and followed for a healthy lifestyle.


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