The creation


In the beginning,

      God created the heavens

             and the earth". 

This is the Bible's very first verse. This declaration represents the beginning of His creation up to the sixth day when He created man. To allow him to rest on the seventh day, he methodically planned each of his masterpieces over six days. 

When he first created the earth and heavens, the universe was entirely dark since light was later created to distinguish darkness from light. From a scientific perspective, the universe was created by an explosion, as described by the Big Bang theory. Light is regarded as day and darkness as night after the division of light and dark. 

He created various kinds of flora and fauna after dividing the land from the sea. The creation of the sun, moon, and stars, to give light during day and night. His words created all of His creation apart from humans.

                   "And God said..."

Since man was created in the image of God, he was given unique consideration among all other creations. Leaving the creation of man for last demonstrates how important it was to bring him into a completely created and comfortable planet. To prevent loneliness, he made a woman out of a man's ribs, and the two of them would care for his creation.

Man is never without anything since whatever he needs is given to him in one way or another. We disrespect his creation by wreaking havoc and upsetting the natural order. The destruction of forests, the depletion of soil fertility, water pollution, global warming, etc. These result from man's insatiable hunger and greed. More devastation equals more imbalance, which prompts nature to retaliate in its way.

Humans are given power, but it is the power to coexist with them, not to dominate them.


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