Illusion with pain

 "After all life goes on" this is a common phrase we all give to eachother but today its different for me.

I haven't read any books over a couple of days, apart from reading a few short articles that I don't consider much of a productive reading. I was feeling guilty for neglecting my routine do to some novel reading but then let's keep it a secret.

I wanted to read some simple story so I went to those online e-books that can be read in just one day. Its pretty impressive that some of the online anonymous writers write a better plot than some famous best sellers.

As I further scrolled in search of a captivating waiting story while going through the description. I finally ended up choosing a novel with a title that gave a gist of the entire story in the title itself but still i went ahead to read. 

Hmmm . . . . Let's see what the story says. This tiny 35 chapter novel of about an Indian woman who is forced into an arranged marriage to which she was happy but as the days moved on her husband seemed to neglect her, even threatened to rise his hand on her . Initially she forgive and accepted everything as she was taught that abuse is natural for men. It took a long time of verbal and physical abuse for her to realize how the toxicity of the situation has changed her completely to an unknown person whom she failed to realise. At the end she left her husband and discovered a better version of herself with a new beginning. 

As I read through the abuse it was painful especially when the protagonist's inner voice becomes audible. It was a relief when she left that toxic life and began anew discovering a new version of herself. The pain and heartache I felt as if was my experience that was lingering for a long time .


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