Sarah: a woman with a strong foothold

Sarah, a biblical character considered an ideal model for married woman or an engaged woman waiting to start a life of marriage.

When I try to recall all the gospels I heard about this particular character from the Bible, she was depicted with qualities of a saint with perfection. My curious mind led me to read more about her and it came out to be a totally different perspective of what I believed for quite a long time showing her strength and weakness that she possessed. 

Sarah's original name was Sarai and according to the Bible God changed her name from Sarai to Sarah meaning princess or noblewoman. She was able to experience God's promise first hand. The promise of child in her barren womb. Sarah couldn't bear child so she was quite depressed but God said that she would bear child during old-age which is unbelievable leading to her doubt like any other person. Even though she doubted God's word for a moment the faith she had was strong leading to the fulfillment of God's promise. At the age of ninety she gave birth to a baby boy whom she named Issac.

Before she gave birth she did something that lead to further dispute in the family. Sarah and her husband Abraham had a maidservant named Hagar to serve them. Sarah send Hagar to Abraham as a concubine to bear a child and when Hagar conceived Sarah was very jealous leading to unhappiness in the family. She was harsh towards Hagar leading her to run away from home but she had to come back as she did not have any source of survival. Sarah also tried to manipulate her husband to send Hagar away. All these shows how her own decision backfired her leading to chaos in the family. 

Sarah lived for one hundred twenty seven years and later died of old-age which was recorded in the Bible. 

Sarah's character as described in the Bible is quite complex and pivotal. She is an ideal wife who stood by her husband during the trial and temptations that they faced during their life. As we study her character we know that she is not known for her weakness but her strength.

Sarah: a woman with a strong foothold 


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