Of Roads

Badarpur to Noida is so far away and takes a long time to reach but if I start early before rush hour I should be reaching early right? Nope, it doesn't work that way when everything is jumbled up in my memory.

I was lucky to get a bus as soon as I reached the bus stop . I boarded a bus numbered 8 which goes to Botanical garden.

The bus looks good from outside but it was in a worse condition with the air conditioner not working properly and melting inside the bus but since it was free for ladies I have no complaints. After reaching Botanical Garden I walked all the way searching for a bus stop but as soon as I went there I was told that the bus stood in the opposite direction. Uff ! Now I have to walk all the way back to the start. After roaming around I did not get the bus I was looking for so I got on a substitute bus that dropped me off at Knowledge park II instead of Knowledge park III. This bus was different from Delhi bus that I travelled and its interior also differs as it belongs to a different state. The UP state bus has less space to stand but lot more seats providing a better option for the passengers but while riding on this bus it won't make the ride smooth as the passengers gets a land ride feeling while the short travel.

After getting down at Knowledge park II I started walking while expecting to get an auto on the way. Coincidentally, no vehicle came by. It was an isolated route with less people and more greenery just like walking inside the park. I continue to walk for around 32 minutes till I finally reached my destination.

As I reached the tiredness struck me like lightening and my stomach growled loudly. My legs hurt so much that it felt numb, so I removed my sandals to relax my sore feet and found shoe bites all around my feet.  I was also completely drenched in sweat. Seeing my  condition that looked like a drenched cat drying itself, I was asked to sit inside the office room till the person I was waiting for arrives. And the rest went pretty smoothly in the cool atmosphere. Ah! It was so relaxing.

It was a long trip that took more than 2 hours even while returning home. Now at home I feel better with the feeling of 'Home Sweet Home' and waiting to have a long relaxing nap.


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