Humanity or not: a guiding light
Today I happened to read an article about two students who decided to set their future goals to be police officers. Those two girls faced a trauma that was made public but the support they received from their family members was the bare minimum.
Both the girls are rape survivors and the culprits are their close family members. When brought to light the girls are blamed for bringing out such an incident that shames their 'family'. One girl even gave birth to a baby a few days before her exams, her strength and willpower needs to be appreciated.
These were the hindrances they faced but the help they received from the police officers led them to choose their final destination.
There are a lot of such stories that we hear, some give up and some stay strong. There are a lot of stories that are not said out for the fear of being pointed at, but whose fault is it for the lack of courage? Have we given space for the voice to arise?
Why is there a blame game especially by the relatives and close people? We see a lot of faces all friendly but if there is a problem how many faces would be present with a helping hand? All will be there to say "We said so...". Out of a hundred maybe just a handful would be there which seems very ironic.
This is just the raw situation we see every day. People change when there is no benefit, they would be so close with all smiles but it won't take long to turn their back against.
Just because of a few, we shouldn't assume that humanity is lost. There is always someone somewhere who will be there in the phase of life as an inspiration. We should not cling to them but rather let time lead the way.
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