An unending loop

As I was going through the news page one title unintentionally led me to open to do further reading. The article was titled "10 Reasons Why Grandparents are Important for Children". This article seemed like a need of an hour in this modern generation.

In this fast-moving world where we are always in a race, there is no time or space for family. This race is never ending where individuals do not have time for themselves and always look for personal gain. Long gone the time for family, long gone time for relationships, now it's just an obligation that needs to be fulfilled. When this change came it was something that needed a lot of pondering.

The article talks about the need for grandparents that we all know. As we travel from place to place we find a lot of old age homes so this article is a need of the hour. Children rarely know their grandparents because we only find a nuclear family where parents are busy earning and children stay all alone not knowing the need for an elder.

I remember a classmate who lived with her parents but they were so busy that she had to learn to live on her own at a very early age. Is it the right choice to let a teen or a child grow by themselves?

There are always a lot of reasons for adults to justify themselves but the longing a child feels as they grow cannot be compensated, as it's their loop that they are stuck for eternity.

(This is the article page)


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