The girl who drank the moon
Children's literature is a genre that we all love and enjoy reading. Usually, the readers expected to read are children so the plots are very simple and easy to understand. These novels or books talk about friendship and relationships with morals added to the story. Adventures and self-discovery would be one such theme. Children's novels will have fantasy and magical realism to pique the interest of the readers.
The novel I would like to talk about is "The Girl Who Drank the Moon" by Kelly Barnhill. This is a fantasy fiction that itself could be understood by the title of the novel.
Firstly, the story is a journey to self-discovery. We see the protagonist Luna growing up and discovering herself even though there were people who tried to keep her hidden.
Secondly, we find the concept of good and evil like every children's story. The bad villains and the hero who saves them. The defeat of bad and good triumphs is what is portrayed in the story.
Thirdly, we see the importance of relationships portrayed, especially maternal love. The relationship between Luna, Xan and the biological mother is portrayed. Both the mothers sacrificed a lot. Even though Xan was old she made sure that Luna was protected and fought to stay alive to keep her safe. The biological mother becomes insane at the loss of her child. In a way, the novel teaches how pure maternal love is and should be cherished.
Finally, the novel has fantasy that deals with superpower of the protagonist Luna. The magic keeps the story more interesting till the end. This novel is interesting as well as teaches morals to the young minds.
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